Etsy Plus is a subscription service that helps you to grow your business. It’s available for sellers on the platform. The service is said to jump-start your growth, but no statistics support this claim. With that in mind, it is a fantastic way to elevate your shop presence while taking advantage of various features. The fee for Etsy Plus is $10 a month. When you sign up, you will have increased visibility, access to valuable tools, and the ability to enhance your store even more.

Understanding the Benefits of Etsy Plus

When you sign up with Etsy Plus, you can take advantage of many benefits. The free listing credits also remove some guesswork from your listing. When you sign up with Etsy Plus, you can get 15 free monthly listing credits. Etsy charges $0.20 for each listing, which translates to $3 in your bank account. This is great for products that don’t have a huge selection of products, as it helps to take some of the confusion out of calculating your listing costs and makes it easier to experiment with more listings.

Custom Website Address

Another benefit of Etsy Plus is accessing discounts on custom website addresses. Custom domains are available through Etsy’s third-party partner. This is an internet domain service that allows you to register your site. If you have a custom website design, you can connect with customers. You will also have a solid foundation on which to build your brand.

Restock Requests

Shoppers can view any listings that may have sold out, and you can sign up to get alerts when items are back in stock. Sold-out listings will show up in several places, including your Sold Items page or even via direct links to your listings.

Advanced Customization

With Etsy Plus, you will have access to advanced customization options. It is in addition to the options you have with Etsy Standard. As a seller, you can include multiple banner options. You can also include a new layout option featuring listings or specific shop sections.

Advanced shop customization is a fantastic perk, only available through Etsy Plus. When you compare this to the number of options available to people who are not subscribed, you will soon see that it helps to make your shop much more cohesive and appealing.

As an Etsy Plus subscriber, you will soon find that you can choose two types of banners. You have banners, and you have collage. If you opt for collage, you will be given a customized banner comprising four images. You might not need this, though, as you can use basic editing to get the same result.

Etsy Banner

Source: Etsy

If you opt for the carousel banner, then this is far superior. It will provide you with four options that your customers can go through and explore. You can even hyperlink your banner images to a specific listing or a section within your shop. This makes it actionable and helps you highlight some of your best-selling and top products.

Featured Area
Source: Etsy

Featured Items

Sellers using Etsy Plus can use feature items on the shop in several ways. You can display your items at the top of the page where everything is the same size or five items with one bigger than the rest. The other items will be displayed in a smaller group to the right.

Discounts and Perks

If you are signed up with Etsy Plus, you can take advantage of Etsy shopping boxes, printables, and business cards. This is only if you are in the US, UK, European Union, or Canada. You must go to the Shop Manager and Settings to access the discounts for your custom delivery boxes.

You can then click on Your Subscriptions and then Discounts and perks. You will find a link at the top right-hand side of the screen.

Printables and Business Cards

If you are a seller and signed up with Etsy Plus, you can take advantage of a 30% discount for a service called Moo. This is a print and design company that allows you to create a custom business card, along with various other promotional materials.

Etsy Plus Subscription

Is Etsy Plus Right for You?

At the end of the day, a lot of it comes down to the fact that your credits will reduce some of your fees. If you are a seller looking for extra support or want to reduce the cost of creating listings, this could be the solution. You will also be given numerous opportunities to scale your company on the platform.

Whether or not you sign up with Etsy Plus will largely depend on your business goals and the status of your shop. You should consider the ROI potential when signing up. For example, it might not be worth it if you have just opened your shop and haven’t made a sale yet or even gotten a review. You’d be better off building your shop authority first. If you aren’t getting any traffic and are not using Etsy Ads properly or making a profit, upgrading probably won’t benefit you. You will see no improvement in your search placement and won’t be able to take advantage of increased traffic either. One way to help yourself here would be to work on your SEO to take advantage of more sales, better traffic, and more.

Generally, if you have a few sales under your belt and want to elevate your presence or get more exposure, then Etsy Plus could be the best option if your shop grows but needs to be faster.

Misconceptions about Etsy Plus

If you are considering signing up with Etsy Plus, you should know that there are a few myths and misconceptions. While Etsy Plus does give you extra features, it doesn’t come with additional support. You won’t get priority access to customer service either. If you need help with your store, you will still need to go through the Etsy support team or seek help from others on the community forum.

Another misconception is that those who signed up with Etsy Plus get a better ranking in the search system. This isn’t true. Etsy Plus doesn’t give you any advantages, and you will be subject to the same ranking factors.

How to Sign Up with Etsy Plus

To sign up with Etsy Plus, go to and navigate to Shop Manager.
You can then click on Settings and then on Your Subscription.
You can then click on Upgrade, which is under Etsy Plus.

With an Etsy subscription, sellers are given the chance to use their credits each month. You will be given 15 listing credits visible on your Etsy bill. You are also given $5 in Etsy Ads credit. You will need to use your credits during your monthly period because if you don’t, they will expire. Your credits do not roll over from month to month.

Final Thoughts

So, there are a lot of benefits to signing up with Etsy Plus. It has a lot of potential if you want to elevate your store and if you want to boost sales. With that in mind, it’s not a guaranteed way to get more traffic or boost your profit. You will need to do a lot of work if you want your store to stand out from the crowd and rank.

If you sign up with Etsy Plus, one of the best things you can do is consider the value of your Etsy journey.

Are you currently expanding your shop? Are you experiencing an upward trend in sales? Have you given some thought to Etsy SEO? Are you using Etsy ads effectively?

By answering questions like this, you can begin making a much better choice regarding your campaign.

If you need to find out more, you can contact Etsy here. If you want to learn more about selling, you’ll find the seller handbook here. Etsy also has helpful guides on what to do if you experience a dip in sales and posts about making money on Etsy, so make sure that you give that some thought before you go ahead and sign up with Etsy Plus, as it could make a significant difference to your current sales

Learn more about Etsy and how you can utilize Etsy Tags to boost your shop’s visibility and sales.

Etsy Tags: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Shop’s Visibility and Sales